



的 大都会交通管理局(MTA) 麦迪逊中央车站 (formerly East Side Access) program in New York is its largest capital project and the first expansion of the Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) in over 100 years.

这个雄心勃勃的交通项目使区域铁路网现代化并得到加强, delivering greater connectivity to support Long Island’s rapidly growing population and giving LIRR riders faster access to the East Side of Manhattan. 这个项目, 它于2023年1月向公众开放, 缓解了交通拥堵,并大大缩短了纽约市铁路用户的通勤时间.

This transformational program is one of the biggest transportation infrastructure projects to be completed in North America in recent history, 工作横跨三个区, including eight 数英里的隧道 works in Manhattan and Queens; 40 数英里的新轨道; a new terminal under Grand Central Terminal; and a new rail yard in the Sunnyside Yard in Queens.

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正规博彩十大网站排名作为项目管理办公室(PMO)的合作伙伴支持简化的交付. 一个复杂的可交付物网络和相互关联的依赖关系, 我们角色的一个关键要素是集成超过15个系统合同, 从牵引动力到信号.

我们的专家团队帮助监督和支持该计划的许多组成部分, including the boring of nearly eight miles of railroad tunnels in Manhattan and Queens; the laying of 50,000 feet of track; the building of a new terminal under Grand Central Terminal and the testing and commissioning of the systems that will work in unison. 除了, extensive infrastructure work included the construction of new ventilation buildings and substantial surface works, 以及美国最繁忙的客运列车联锁的现代化.S.哈罗德·联锁.

“We’re proud to support the MTA in the delivery of the biggest transportation infrastructure project currently being implemented in North America. It’s set to dramatically reduce commute times for New Yorkers and will 玩 an important part in the region’s economic recovery.”


雅各布斯PMO执行官 & 合资企业负责人

正规博彩十大网站排名的一个关键角色是交付位于皇后区的CO8牵引变电站. 的 prefabricated modular substation was fully built and installed offsite and delivered to the site in 22 sections to reduce disruptions for rail users, 组装在7天内完成.

的 new tunnel and track system increases the LIRR's capacity into Manhattan and shortens the travel time for approximately 162,每天约有40分钟的通勤时间从长岛和皇后区东部出发. 它还缓解了城市火车和地铁的拥堵, 特别是在邻近的宾夕法尼亚车站附近.

新航站楼, 它有8条轨道和4个乘客站台, 一次能容纳八列火车吗, 在高峰时段最多可提供24列列车. 位于中央车站正下方, 新的麦迪逊中央广场提供350个座位,000平方英尺的新空间, including over 25 retail store fronts and multiple entry and exit points to Grand Central Terminal and street level.

正规博彩十大网站排名 has significant global experience in bringing large-scale transport infrastructure programs to fruition. 与Metrolinx合作, we’re managing one of the most ambitious public transit undertakings in Canadian history to better serve and connect a vibrant metropolis that’s growing by an average of 100,每年5000人.

When it comes to designing investible infrastructure that addresses the big issues we face in the world—unprecedented urbanization, 灾难性的气候威胁以及人力和自然资源的限制, 毕竟没有比我们更有能力的伙伴了, 《正规博彩十大网站排名》将我们评为. 连续第四年入选设计公司500强.

我们正在重新构想一个为社会提供更多服务的首页的未来, 不仅仅是在财政责任方面, 还有社区福利的衡量标准, 公共安全, business productivity and quality of life—the ultimate outcomes that infrastructure programs are meant to serve.

“麦迪逊中央车站 is a transformational project that will significantly strengthen the regional rail network, 加快通勤速度, 更少的延迟, 可靠性更高,为乘客提供更多选择.”



